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Innervation of the male pelvis

This chapter provides information about the lumbar plexus and sacral plexus, which both participate in innervating the pelvis, their topography and main branches in regard to the male pelvis.

Arteries of the male pelvis

In this chapter, we take a look at the topography and main branches of the arteries found within the male pelvis.

Veins of the pelvis

In this study unit, learn about the anatomy of the major veins providing venous drainage from the walls of the pelvis and pelvic viscera.


This section provides an overview of the pelvic bones and their anatomical landmarks, as well as the joints of the pelvis. The chapter includes information about the pelvic inlet and its diameters, true and false pelvis, as well as the pelvic outlet and its measurements.

Arteries of the female pelvis

This study unit introduces the topography and main branches of the major arteries in the female pelvis.

Ligaments of the pelvis

In this study, learn about ligaments strengthening the pelvic girdle, their origin, insertion, and function.

Pelvic floor and perineum (female)

In this section, learn about the pelvic floor muscles of the female body, as well as the muscles that form the perineal body - a structure that strengthens the pelvic floor. This article also looks at two important areas of the perineum known as the urogenital triangle and anal triangle.
