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Lower Extremity

Skeleton of the lower limb

In this section, learn about the bones forming the pelvis and the free lower extremity and their anatomical landmarks.

Muscles of the lower limb

In this study unit, find out what muscle groups and muscles form the hip region, the thigh, lower leg, and the foot. Learn in detail about their origin and insertion sites, as well as functions.

Innervation of the lower limb

This chapter looks into the anatomy of the sacral and lumbar plexuses, their branches, and the most important nerves innervating the lower extremity.

Veins of the lower limb

This segment includes information about the most essential superficial and deep veins providing venous drainage from the lower limb.

Arteries of the lower limb

This study unit provides an overview of the anatomy of the major arteries providing blood supply to the lower limb, as well as their main branches.

Ligaments of the lower limb

In this section, learn about the ligaments strenghtening the joints of the lower limb.
