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Cardiovascular system

External anatomy of the heart

In this study unit, get to know the pericardium and the external anatomical landmarks of the heart. This section also includes an overview of the coronary veins, arteries, and branches.

Internal anatomy of the heart

Study in detail the anatomy of the atria and ventricles of the heart, learn about their walls, and anatomical landmarks they contain.

Arteries of the upper limb

This study unit contains an overview of the largest arteries and their branches providing the arterial blood supply of the upper limb.

Veins of the upper limb

This segment provides information about the most essential superficial and deep veins draining the upper limb.

Arteries of the male pelvis

In this chapter, we take a look at the topography and main branches of the arteries found within the male pelvis.

Veins of the pelvis

In this study unit, learn about the anatomy of the major veins providing venous drainage from the walls of the pelvis and pelvic viscera.

Veins of the lower limb

This segment includes information about the most essential superficial and deep veins providing venous drainage from the lower limb.

Arteries of the lower limb

This study unit provides an overview of the anatomy of the major arteries providing blood supply to the lower limb, as well as their main branches.

Arteries of the female pelvis

This study unit introduces the topography and main branches of the major arteries in the female pelvis.

Arteries of the head and neck

This section gives an overview of the anatomy of the most important vessels providing arterial blood supply to the head and neck regions.

Veins of the head and neck

Learn about the course and topography of the essential veins providing venous drainage from the neck and head regions.
