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Skeletal system


In this section, we look at the anatomy of the skull and its parts, learning about each bone of the skull, as well as the main sutures connecting the skull bones.


This study unit overlooks the regions of the spine or vertebral column and the 33 bones forming it, called the vertebrae. Also, learn about the curvatures of the spine, the intervertebral discs, as well as joints and ligaments of the spine.

Skull topography

Learn about the internal cranial base and the external cranial base along with fossae they contain, their anatomical landmarks, boundaries, and structures forming them. This section also includes information about the anatomy of the orbit, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses.

Skeleton of the lower limb

In this section, learn about the bones forming the pelvis and the free lower extremity and their anatomical landmarks.

Skeleton of the upper limb

Learn which bones form the skeleton of the shoulder girdle and the free upper extremity, and how they are connected. This chapter also includes detailed information about anatomical landmarks of each bone.


This section provides an overview of the pelvic bones and their anatomical landmarks, as well as the joints of the pelvis. The chapter includes information about the pelvic inlet and its diameters, true and false pelvis, as well as the pelvic outlet and its measurements.

Skull openings

In this study unit, learn about various openings connecting parts of the skull and determine which structures pass through them.

Ligaments of the upper limb

In this section, learn about the ligaments that strengthen joints of the upper extremity.

Ligaments of the lower limb

In this section, learn about the ligaments strenghtening the joints of the lower limb.

Ligaments of the neck

In this study, learn about the ligaments strengthening the cervical spine.

Ligaments of the pelvis

In this study, learn about ligaments strengthening the pelvic girdle, their origin, insertion, and function.
