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Superior labial artery

The superior labial artery (Latin: arteria labialis superior) is a branch of the facial artery. It supplies skin and muscles of the upper lip, nasal septum and the alae (wings) of the nose. The superior labial artery is larger than the inferior labial artery.

Facial artery, Branches, Head and Neck, Arteries of head and neck, Anterior view, Human head, Carotids, Carotid arteries, Skull
Facial artery (anterior view) by

The superior labial artery arises from the facial artery as the facial artery ascends to the maxilla. Further, it goes along the edge of the upper lip, lying between the mucous membrane and the orbicularis oris muscle.

Facial artery, Branches, Head and Neck, Arteries of head and neck, Lateral view, Human head, Carotids, Carotid arteries, Skull
Facial artery (lateral view) by

On its course, the artery gives off an alar branch to the wing of the nose, and a septal branch which ramifies anteroinferiorly in the nasal septum. The superior labial artery typically forms anastomoses with two other vessels - with the same artery of the contralateral (opposite) side and with the inferior labial artery.